I spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning camping with my younger son’s Cub Scout Pack at Camp OSO in Southern California.
The kids got to do archery, shoot BB guns, fish, and go out on rowboats.
On Saturday we had a breakfast bake in the morning, hot dogs for lunch, spaghetti for dinner, and I made triple chocolate cake in the dutch oven for dessert.
Saturday night I built up a campfire and we had the kids do their skits and then make S’mores.
We also got to see some cool spiders.
We went home Sunday morning, unpacked and cleaned up. That afternoon around 3:00 pm one of the Boy Scouts from my older son’s troop came over and we cut some wood down on the table saw and miter saw for his Eagle Project. He is restoring some benches for his church. Unfortunately we were so busy that I forgot to take any pictures.