The New York restaurant, Gray’s Papaya , came up in conversation last week. My wife and I visited NYC for our 1 year wedding anniversary and I fell in love with the hot dogs at Gray’s Papaya. We had the Labor Day holiday weekend coming up so I did some research and found a recipe that looked good so I made them tonight. We had most of the ingredients already so I picked some Nathan’s Famous beef franks and the rest of what was needed at our local WinCo. I broke out the mandolin and sliced up some sweet onions nice and thin, and sautéed them for 15 minutes in canola oil along with some minced garlic. I then added the rest of the ingredients and let it all simmer for 50 minutes. Traditionally, the hot dogs are cooked on a griddle but I found it easier to cook them in my BBQ. Once the sauce was complete and the dogs were cooked, I put them both on a bun along with some sauerkraut and dug in. They were awesome and I can’t wait to make them again.